
Women’s Pelvic Surgery, LLC -  - Urogynecologist

Women’s Pelvic Surgery, LLC

Urogynecologists located in Hackensack, NJ & Upper East Side, New York, NY

Urinary incontinence is embarrassing, frustrating, and life-altering. If you live in Hackensack, New Jersey, or the surrounding area, don’t suffer needlessly. Contact expert urogynecologist Dr. Khashayar Shakiba and Dr. Kateryna Kolesnikova for diagnosis and treatment. Call the office, Women’s Pelvic Surgery of North Jersey, to make an appointment or book online to have your incontinence managed.

Incontinence Q & A

What is urinary incontinence?

When you lose control of your bladder, it’s known as urinary incontinence. It can range in severity from small leaks when you laugh or jump or having such a strong urge to urinate that you can’t get to the bathroom in time.

Incidences of urinary incontinence increase with age, but it isn’t inevitable. You can get treatment for this problem that can seriously interfere with work and social life.

Some women also experience fecal incontinence, which is an involuntary passing of stool.

What are the reasons why urinary incontinence occurs?

Women are more likely to experience incontinence due to their anatomy and the stress that pregnancy and childbirth put on the pelvic floor. The hormonal variations and changes in vaginal tissue that occur with menopause may also contribute.

As you age, your bladder and urethra muscles lose some strength and your bladder isn’t able to hold as much, which increases your chances of not being able to “hold it.” If you’re overweight, smoke, or have a family history of incontinence, your risk is also higher.

How is urinary incontinence treated?

Treatment depends on the suspected cause of your incontinence, its severity, and your medical history and current health. Dr. Shakiba may prescribe specific medications that calm an overactive bladder and offer particular exercises to help strengthen your pelvic floor.

Other nonsurgical treatments include percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation, or PTNS, which provides electrical stimulation to the nerves responsible for bladder and pelvic floor function. Biofeedback is another nonsurgical technique that helps you identify and exercise the muscles accountable for urine control.

Dr. Shakiba may have you undergo urodynamic studies in the office that test the function and strength of your bladder. If surgery is needed, the most common type involves a transobturator sling placement. This treatment uses a synthetic material or your tissue to create a sling around your urethra and the bladder neck to help keep the urethra closed. This surgery may be the most effective option to help treat incontinence so that you can get your confidence and freedom back.

To seek treatment for urinary or fecal incontinence, call the office of Women’s Pelvic Surgery of North Jersey or book an appointment online.