Recurrent Urinart Tract Infections

Recurrent urinary tract infection’s are a very bothersome and common problem among women. It could involve a variety of ages, starting from age 16 or even younger til post-menopausal and elderly patients. Because of recurrent urinary tract infections, which vary on different age group, and of course any women who feels as if she is having UTI symptoms should first be checked for any evidence of bladder infection or cystitis. This could be accomplished by a simple urine analysis and urine culture in the office as a first step. By definition if urine culture is positive along with symptoms of UTI more then twice in 6 months or three times in full year, this is defined as a recurrent urinary tract infection. It is very common especially the younger patients to be frustrated with symptoms of UTI, however when they present to their primary care physician or gynecologist, the urine culture is negative.

If you are experiencing above problem/symptoms please make appointment to see Dr. Khashayar Shakiba.

Dr. Khashayar Shakiba is a board-certified urogynecologist and skilled surgeon, call or click to schedule a visit with Dr. Shakiba here at Women’s Pelvic Surgery of North Jersey in Hackensack. He’s an expert in urogynecology and is comfortable answering any question you may have.

Womens Pelvic Surgery

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